Lada Mazai

Affiliation: Department of Psychology and Social Work, Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Email: [email protected]

Abstract: The article presents a theoretical analysis of the problems of resource provision for professional development of future psychologists with an emphasis on one of its main components, namely the motivational aspect. Latter is considered from the standpoint of the phenomenological approach and the presence of existential meanings in the structure of personal professional motivation. In particular, we have specified the concept of resource provision in professional development and outlined the study relevance in the modern transformational conditions. Modern transformational society creates new conditions for professional development for specialists of socionomic professions. In particular, the requirements for the professional competencies of psychologists and their professional training are increasing. Additional complications in the professional development process are created by today’s online format of learning. This specific creates a problem of professional development motivational provision at its early stages.

Keywords: Resource Provision; Professional Development; Future Psychologists; Inner Motivation; Professional Choice; Phenomenological Approach.