Liliana Faria

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal

Email: [email protected]

Abstract: The transition from the university to the labor market is a process that begins before the transition itself and continues until adaptation to the world of work. It´s a phenomenon that involves planning the personal and professional future, re-evaluating current and past choices and experiences, which can lead to an ambivalence of feelings and thoughts. This article looks at the role of negative career thoughts in predicting the career adaptability. Participated 95 university students, of both sexes, who completed the negative career thoughts scale and the adaptability scale. The results indicated that the set of independent variables explained 44.9% of the variance in the control total, with all the variables of negative career thoughts having a significant influence and, 27.7% of the variance of confidence, with two of the four variables to have a single significant influence. The importance of identifying and modifying thoughts is discussed as crucial to developing a healthy career.

Keywords: Negative Career Thoughts; Career Adaptability; University-Labor Market Transition; Career Intervention.