Published: May 2024 ISSN: 2709-5436/24

Mukesh K*, Deepak Arun Arumugam G and Dr. Sujamani M S

Affiliation: Department of Psychology, Presidency College, Chennai, India

*Email: [email protected]

Abstract: The purpose of the study was to find whether self-compassion mediates the relationship between masculinity and psychological distress among male young adults. Convenient sampling method was used to collect data from 140 male young adults from Presidency college, Chennai. The following standardized tools were used; Masculine Behavior Scale (MBS) by Snell, W. E., Jr. (1989), Self-Compassion Scale – Short Form (SCS-SF) by Raes et al., (2011) Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) by Kessler and Mroczek (1992). Mediation analysis was performed to find the mediating effect of self-compassion in the relationship between masculinity and psychological distress among male young adults. The results revealed that there was a significant mediating effect of self-compassion in the relationship between masculinity and psychological distress among male young adults.

Keywords: Self-Compassion; Masculinity; Psychological Distress; Mediation Analysis.